Effective Strategies To Mitigate Patient Risks
There effective strategies that your healthcare organization can employ to reduce patient risks. When all your staff is properly trained and briefed on what to do during crucial situations, there would be more competencies across your healthcare facility. Here are some of the said effective strategies you can adapt to your organization.
- Not filling expired prescriptions – It is better if you notify patients about prescription expiration instead of just filling their expired prescriptions. Doing this taps more opportunity for you to check on your patient and the medication he is receiving. This also helps avoid medication abuse.
- Following up on missing test results – There should be a way for the healthcare facility to monitor additional medical tests for patients. Failing to do so may lead to lost results and a chance for better treatment option.
- Tracking missed appointments – Missed appointments are among the leading cause of low productivity and lost income in any healthcare facilities. There is a need to implement a system where conducting a follow-up with patients is made easy.
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